Edibles Review – Clif Bars – White Chocolate Macadamia Nut

Brokedown Vanity - Edibles Review - Clif Bars

For our Bonus Post today, it will be a review on Clif Bars in White Chocolate Macadamia Nut.

After winning that huge $100 kit from Nutribar, I’ve been looking more into things I can take with me when I work out, or do outdoor activities with the kids. I’ve seen these at the grocery store for a while now, and thought it might be a thing to try.

Item – Clif Bars – White Chocolate Macadamia Nut

Cost – $1.35CAD for 68g

Purchase Location – Real Canadian Superstore

Item Facts

  • 70% Organic Ingredients
  • 23 Vitamins & Minerals

Nutrition Guide

Brokedown Vanity - Edibles Review - Clif Bars - Nutrition Facts

Other Info & Ingredients

Brokedown Vanity - Edibles Review - Clif Bars - Ingredients

My Thoughts

I normally split this with my eldest son, on the days we go hiking, or eat it after I go to the gym and have my swim. I find they really do help my energy levels. I feel less cranky, or Hangry, haha. I also don’t get hungry again for a while, so it does a good job at doing what it needs to do, even though the product itself isn’t huge.

They also taste really good. I have tried this kind as well as a walnut&raisin one.


Yes, I have already actually. I stayed away from these types of products for many years, as I was less active than I use to be, with being at home and taking care of the kids. Now that the youngest is old enough to get around fairly well on his own, we do more activities that require more energy. I also have been swimming up a storm, and I know I sometimes overdo it, swimming for an hour, after working out. I really just love the water, and having access to it is a wonderful thing for me. I find these really help me from getting myself too overly tired, when forget the time, and just have a real go at the pool. They are the perfect size to just stuff in the vehicle or purse, even a pocket if need be. They taste great too, and they don’t feel like cardboard in your mouth.

‘Til the next post


***Disclaimer – I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned on this blog. I just started to blog, so who would sponsor me, seriously. All items featured were purchased with my own money, gained by some other means, like awesome gifts from peoples, trades, or perhaps even a promotion of some sort.***

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